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Daily Census

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Daily Census
View a regional snapshot of how each home compares to the budgeted goals that have been established.

Facility Census
Choose a more specific breakdown of a particular facility and the percentages of the established goals in each of the payer categories.

Census Email Notification
Receive email notifications generated by QIequip when a facility fails to enter in their daily census by a specified time.

Census Email Notification
Receive email notifications generated by QIequip when a facility fails to enter in their daily census falls below 85% of overall budgeted census.

Facility Grievances
View all of the active grievances for a specific facility. The “days open” column displays the number of days a specific grievance has been active. Should a grievance take longer than 5 days to close out, the number will turn red and send out email notifications to complete grievance.

Grievance Detail
See the content of a completed grievance. In addition, the “Attached Forms” section gives a user the ability to upload a completed grievance, signed by the person filing the grievance. By doing this, you have proof of meeting this specific regulation.

Grievance Email Notification
Receive email notifications indicating that a particular facility has an active grievance that is past due and needs to be completed.

Administrative Weekly Key Indicators
View an executive summary of the prior week and month giving leadership direction on where additional follow-up may be needed.

Census Information
Provides a high level overview of what the admissions and discharges, by payer type, were from the previous week. This information is intended to be used as a guide, where an individual at the facility level may need to conduct additional follow up.

Medicare Caseload
Review the previous weeks Medicare caseload, therapy screens/evaluations, and MDS transmissions. This information is intended to be used as a guide, on issues that may need to be addressed with therapy or MDS.

Incidents & Grievances
Provides a snap shot of the previous week’s incidents and grievances. This information is intended to help determine if additional follow-up is needed at the facility level.

QIequip can customize a list of questions that are specific to your organization, which provides facility accountability.

Administrative Monthly Key Indicators
Receive a month end snap shot of the weekly key indicators throughout the month.

Marketing Efforts
In addition, have your facility include marketing efforts and additional administrative requests that were received for the prior month.

Administrative Weekly Key Indicators
This screen shot displays the compliance with completing the required indicator.

Email Notification
If a facility does not meet the deadline for completion, QIequip will send email notifications as a reminder to complete.

COVID Daily Inventory
The daily inventory report gives you a snap shot of the current and prior day’s inventory. Should a facility drop below an established PAR level for a particular supply, the number will turn red indicating a concern. The inventory module is completely customizable. Our clients have the ability to add or remove which supply items they would like to track.

Receive an email notification, for facilities who fail to enter in their daily inventory by an established time of day.
Admin Key Indicators
COVID Daily Inventory

Calendar View of In-Services Events
This is a calendar view that displays the list of facility meeting and in-service events that are due for the month.

List View of In-Services Events
This screenshot gives you a list view display versus a calendar.

Completed Tasks
As items are completed, that specific task will be crossed out. Facilities are unable to close out a task without attaching the corresponding documentation. Should the facility fail to complete a task by the due date, the task will turn red and QIequip will send out an email reminder daily until the task is complete.

Completed Task Details
This screen shot shows the detail of a completed task, along with the uploaded in-service for safe keeping. No longer stress when trying to locate an in-service for review during routine surveys.

Email Notification
This is the email notification reminding the facility of past due tasks that need to be completed.
In Services tracking
Policies & Forms