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Capture Hours

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PBJ Data

Timecard Input Therapist
The therapist timecard entry prompts the therapist for hours by facility based on their treatment time in each facility. Therapist productivity is calculated as the hours are entered.

Timecard Input Manager
Regional managers can enter and review hours for each home and therapists they manage. Each day’s productivity is easily reviewed for the week.

Approve Timecards
All therapist hours must be approved by a regional manager before that therapist can get paid. The regional manager can view all therapists and hours in each home and then simply mark approved if all is in order.
Track Productivity

PBJ Print Selection
Easily select time frame for generating PBJ data. Either print by month or complete quarter.

PBJ Submission Report
As easy to read report of PBJ data is provided. It includes therapist, date, hours worked and job code. You can also choose to export into required xml format, suitable for upload on the CMS website.

Sample PBJ XML Data
Sample XML data ready for submission.

Therapist Productivity Report
A system wide therapist productivity report will provide treatment minutes by discipline, hours worked, drive time and productivity. It also provides you with a breakdown of minutes provided by payor type and allows you to track pro bono minutes. It should be noted that providing pro bono treatments does not have a negative affect on productivity.

Facility Report
The executive facility report can be generated weekly to provide labor cost and productivity data. It lists each therapist and breaks out their time in facility and overall labor cost. The report then compares the labor cost to a therapist’s treatment time to generate productivity.

Timecard Input Manager
The system will calculate therapist productivity real time as hours worked are being entered.
Create Schedules

Create Therapist Schedule
Easily create therapist’s schedules by assigning patients to therapist at the start of the week and review daily to ensure workloads are managed.

Therapist Dailly Schedule
A simply daily worksheet can also be generated from the therapist’s schedules. Each assigned patient is listed with a small worksheet to record minutes provided.

Therapist Weekly Schedule
Print and provide weekly schedules to therapist. Planned minutes are shown for each day. For Part A residents the report will show if there is an assessment on file. Reprint this report throughout the week as patients are added and schedules change.
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